I had to get my pictures taken, because I'm already 1 month old.
Zoe was such a good baby getting her pictures taken, even though she didn't smile, but she didn't cry at all, I was a very proud mommy. Hopefully next time she will smile that beautiful smile I've seen.
The velvety brown and pink security blankie is so small. I had to take a picture of her while she fit all underneath it, it won't be long and she will be all grown up.
Today we had tummy time. Zoe liked it most of the time until she got hungry again. Our little Miss. Piggy. Zoe went to the doctor on 11-14-08 for her 1 month checkup. Zoe has gained 1 1/2 pounds in two weeks, the doctor confirmed we do have a Miss. Piggy on our hands. Zoe smiles big when you wipe her mouth. And she follows everything with her eyes, which are still blue. She weighs 9 pounds 4 oz.